For the Sake of trasparency, This post was originally from my old blog. Images and links may not work anymore.


It's been a while since I've seriously blogged about... anything! (To be precise, since 2013.)

Screenshot of my old blog with the date being Saturday, August 3rd, 2013. It reads "never take summer classes, but more importantly, never take intensive summer courses. also, i'll start updating again by the end of next week I think.
Oh Honey, you do not yet know what those classes are about to do to you.

I never thought I'd give it another shot outside of the occasional word jumble I'd leave on tumblr or twitter.

In ways, it feels like going back to form. Something about putting thought into a much longer post feels nice. I missed it even though I know my way of writing is difficult to follow sometimes, but, it's not like I'm writing for a college paper or some sort of prestigious publication.
It's probably okay for me to write the way I do for now because I can only get better the more I do it. (I hope)

My last jab at blogging was keeping a game log of sorts. I was inspired by a friend who, at the time, was keeping track of the games he was playing and what he thought about them. He wasn't necessarily doing a professional review of the games he was playing, just jotting down his thoughts and sharing them with his friends.

Back then, I really wanted to learn how to journal, but I felt ashamed at my poor penmanship skills (which is, unfortunately, still the case now.) I didn't really think about using a blog for anything like this. For some reason, I had been under the impression that blogging was only for professionals and that any blogging I did back then was somehow lower than actual blogging (Whatever that meant to me back then.)

Up until that point, all my blogging had been about fandoms I was in. I used my LiveJournal (and later, Tumblr) to talk about the latest chapter or episodes of the book, manga, anime, video game, etc. I was really into. I sadly don't remember much of what I wrote or talked about, a lot of these things were lost to time... and old e-mails I couldn't remember the password to.

Though in hindsight, maybe it's good some of those were lost to time. I don't think I'd be able to read the things I wrote about with a straight face now.

Going back to what my friend was blogging about, I tried to start up my own gaming log. I wrote a list of games I was playing, what my goals were for those games, and any future games I was interested in.

I ended up writing four total posts on that blog, with a fifth post being a draft that never got published (The draft was about Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I was apparently stuck at some point in the Forsaken Fortress while replaying it.)
They were weekly posts talking about what I had done in Animal Crossing for that week, including if I visited friends and how excited I was to see their towns and rooms.

A blurred out image of the total posts I had on my old game log
Looking at the posts I had done at the time and seeing an unfished post from a person that, essentially, doesn't exist anymore, felt super weird. I think this is the feeling people get when they find their old journals/diaries.
screenshot of my previous blog. It reads: I made enough money to finish a pending bridge project, followed by a screenshot of Animal Crossing New Leaf celebrating that the donation goal had been met. The next line reads: It was finally built today, followed by another ACNL screenshot of my character celebrating the bridge with the animal villagers. The image is captioned "You jerks did nothing to help."
This part of the old blog made me laugh ngl

This is the kind of feeling I want back. It's the main reason I have the sudden desire to at least attempt this again.

I have ideas of what I want to write about already, but for now I'll keep things loose and sit down to write things when inspiration strikes.

I'm both excited and nervous at starting to blog again. I'm hoping to learn more and improve as I go!